New Content Controls for Twitch Premium Video available in the Amazon DSP

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New Content Controls for Twitch Premium Video available in the Amazon DSP

Brand safety and brand suitability are top of mind for many advertisers. While brand safety measures can help prevent your brand’s ads from appearing in content that is not safe for any advertiser, brand suitability is about matching your brand’s ads to content that aligns with your brand’s particular values and other important qualities.

Content Controls for Twitch Premium Video help you exclude content that, while in compliance with Twitch’s policies, may not be the best fit for your brand. The new controls combine a variety of content signals, including those from Twitch Content Classification Labels and descriptors of content in video games by the ESRB, into a packaged solution. Content Controls take into account both the content of a livestream and streamer behavior during the broadcasts. Working across gaming and non-gaming content, Content Controls offer three tiers of brand safe options that progressively exclude more inventory to meet a range of brand suitability needs.

  • The Expanded control includes all content that adheres to Twitch’s brand safe Community Guidelines which map to the GARM Brand Safety Floor. If you are an advertiser who wants to access brand safe content eligible for ads while maximizing reach across the full breadth of streaming content on Twitch, this option may be the right fit for you.
  • The Moderate control excludes content that advertisers may consider the most sensitive. Ads will appear across a wide range of content, such as video gaming, music, talk shows, sports and more. If you are an advertiser who wants to balance brand suitability with reach, this option may be the right fit for you.
  • The Restrictive control has the greatest impact on  inventory. It has the same exclusions as Moderate and, in addition, excludes even more content that advertisers may consider sensitive such as significant profanity. If you are advertising a brand with particularly strict suitability requirements, this option may be the right fit for you.
Three tiers of brand safe options in content controls: restrictive, moderate, and expanded

All new campaigns in the Amazon DSP that include Twitch Premium Video will default to the Expanded tier. You will be able to select the tier most appropriate for your brand based on your preferences, striking the right balance between suitability and reach. If you are already using the Amazon DSP, please visit the Help Center to learn more about the new Content Controls and the types of content that are excluded within each tier. If you’re not currently using the Amazon DSP, reach out to your Amazon Ads representative to learn more.